1月24日(金)〜26日(日)まで、世田谷区羽根木を拠点とする花と緑のアトリエ、maltaにて、POP UPを開催します。
今回のPOP UPでは、newaのフードボウルのほか、猫との暮らしを暖かく包み込むWatanabe Textileのブランケットやマフラー、さらにフォトグラファー嶌原佑矢が猫や自然風景を撮り下ろした写真作品を展示販売いたします。
東京都世田谷区羽根木 1-21-27 亀甲新♯ろ 59
京王井の頭線 新代田駅より徒歩 4 分
【POP-UP Announcement】
We are excited to announce a POP-UP event at malta (@maisonmalta) from Friday, January 24th to Sunday, January 26th.
malta is a floral and greenery atelier based in the Hanegi area of Setagaya, Tokyo.
At this POP-UP event, we will showcase and sell newa’s food bowls, Watanabe Textile’s blankets and scarves, which warmly embrace life with cats, as well as photographic works by Yuuya Shimahara, featuring cats and natural landscapes.
The lush Hanegi area is home to modern architecture nestled in quiet residential streets, along with ateliers, shops, and cafés by various creators. It’s a perfect place to enjoy a relaxing stroll, so we warmly invite you to stop by.
Event Information "Weaving a Scene with Cats" @malta